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About Padauk Hardwood Flooring
The Padauk solid wooden floor material is obtained from several species of Pterocarpus. All padauks are of African or Asian origin. Padauks are valued for their toughness, stability in use, and decorativeness, most having a reddish wood. Most Pterocarpus woods contain either water- or alcohol-soluble substances and can be used as dyes.
The padauk solid wooden floor material found most often in the timber trade is African Padauk from Pterocarpus soyauxii which, when freshly cut, is a very bright red but when exposed to sunlight fades over time to a warm brown. Its colour makes it a favourite among woodworkers.
Some Unfinished Padauk hardwood flooring Acacia flooring material with unique incent smell is prized for it's unique beauty as well as exceptional stability for flooring use.
If you are in search of an top quality tropical hardwood which are totally different from common wood ,padauk solid wooden flooring will be your first choice despite its high cost.
Both solid 18mm african padauk hardwood flooring and 15mm engineered african padauk wood flooring could be supplied from C&L hardwood in China.
Parquet size : 450x90x18mm,610x93x18mm,760x75x18mm etc for solid wood type
Engineered wood size: 610x93x15mm,910x125x15mm with 0.6mm,2.0mm or 3.0mm padauk real wood top.
As padauk wood is a highly costive timber species, engineered padauk wood flooring will be more acceptable to most of clients which is about 50% lower in cost comparing with solid wood 18mm padauk flooring.
For the clients with low budget but want to have a interior room flooring surface with padauk, we strongly recommend you to think about engineered padauk flooring.