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A Timeless Herringbone Floors
2019-02-21 23:31:00
The effects of looking will be very different.
You can consider the laying method of the herringbone.
It's not that expensive and cumbersome without fishbones.
But it has its own unique beauty.
Such as:
The Louvre in France, the Great Hall of the People in China, etc.
It is a classical case of herringbone design
it will let us know here today
whats the method of How to install the herringbone floor?
after used short size herringbone parquet,
There will be more exquisiteness in the space, mostly used in small apartments.
It would be much better to used the big size for the house
The big size of herringbone floor which put the diagonal in both directions of the horizontal plane.
It Makes the room more atmospheric and warming